Fanning The Flames Of Great Facebook Page Management In Leeds

Category : Seo and Social Media
From rock stars to retail giants, one thing that successful brands all have in common is a strong presence on Facebook. A great example of this is best selling author Stephen King’s Facebook page which he regularly updates with news of his novels and movie adaptatations as well as the adventures of his beloved dog, Molly (aka The Thing Of Evil). Despite having recently turned 70, Mr King knows that, to keep his fans and followers engaged, he needs to share not just career news but the odd snippet from his personal life too.
Anything but by the book
At ExciteBrand, we share Mr King’s enthusiasm for creating Facebook fan pages which keep followers returning for the next chapter. We also know that not all companies and public persons have the time or the know-how needed to make their Facebook fan page a hit – which is where we come in. For a small monthly fee, our team of social media professionals will run your Facebook fan page just as you yourself would – with interesting news, updates and a smattering of humor and insight, leaving you free to do what you do best. We’ll also make sure that your content is designed to invite comments, likes and shares from your followers to attract even more people to your page. We can even add the odd competition or survey to encourage even more engagement.
With two and a half billion users worldwide, a recent survey showed that most people check their Facebook feed at least five times during any given day, racking up hour after hour over the space of a week. Our social media team are experts in getting the balance right when it comes to generating fan page content – not enough to annoy people but not so little that fans lose interest.
We don’t follow the trends – we make them
While we’re running your fan page for you, we will of course make sure that you stay involved. We’ll check in with you regularly to find out what’s new in order to share it with your Facebook followers and we offer our guarantee that all fan page content will adhere to strict rules and guidelines set out by yourself and your team to make sure that it stays on-brand and on-target.
To find out more about how an intuitive and engaging Facebook fan page can work for you, get in touch with our team today who will be happy to reach out to discuss your requirements. Give us a call on 0 203-637-9960 or email us at