Content Marketing
What is content marketing?
As more and more of our world goes digital, it’s not surprising that the way we sell, promote and conduct business is following suit.Marketing, in particular, has seen a very real change in recent years, from traditional ‘buy it now’ type advertising to content marketing.
What does it do?
Used to great effect by many major corporations including P&G and Microsoft, content marketing is the art of promoting your business through the sharing of valuable, relevant and interesting content. The three main benefits of content marketing are:
Increased brand awareness
Increased sales
Increased customer loyalty
Additionally, as search engine optimisation experts in Leeds, we can tell you that search engines actually reward companies who share great, interesting content by giving them better visibility online.
So, how does it work?
Traditionally, a business would promote itself and its products by sending out ‘Buy this, it’s great!’ type advertising. Pushy, blatant and, often counterproductive, this kind of advertising is rapidly becoming obsolete. Instead, businesses are using blogs, newsletters and ezines as well as social media in order to share thought leadership articles and advice. The benefit of this is that it uses content that potential customers actually want to read and, when done right, those customers will actually look forward to the next instalment.
A great example of successful content marketing is high street cosmetic and pharmacy giant, Superdrug. Superdrug created a content marketing masterpiece by asking 18 graphic designers to take a photograph of a model and photoshop it to bring it in line with women from their own country. As well as appearing on Buzzfeed and the Huffington Post, the piece was shared over three million times on social media.
Needless to say, content marketing is all about…….the content. As search engine optmisation experts in Leeds, ExciteBrand can get you started with content marketing by helping you to create great content and share it with the world. Our team of experts will help you to brainstorm for ideas, get to know your target audience and, of course, make the most of your SEO.